Love of Life Scale: Psychometric Analysis of a Turkish Adaptation and Exploration of Its Relationship with Well-Being and Personality


  • Murat Yıldırım a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:34:"Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University";}
  • Ahmet Ozaslan


Objective: This study aimed to assess the psychometric characteristics of Love of Life Scale (LLS) in Turkish university students.

Methods: The Turkish translation of LLS, Scales of Positive and Negative Experiences, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and Ten Item Personality Inventory were administered to medical (n=155; mean age = 21.32±1.84 years; 60.6% females) and non-medical (n=231; mean age = 20.76±1.70 years; 52.8% females) students.

Results: Using medical students, exploratory factor analysis yielded one-factor solution. The LLS scores significantly predicted positive experience, negative experiences, satisfaction with life and social support over and beyond the effects of personality traits. Using non-medical students, confirmatory factor analysis confirmed unidimensional factor structure of the scale with satisfactory indices. The scale showed high internal consistency estimates in both samples.

Conclusion: The Turkish version of LLS proved to be a reliable and valid instrument in Turkish university students. The LLS can be used for practice and research purposes in assessing love of life.






Original Research