E-Learning Readiness of Turkish Medical Students: A Sample from Gazi University
Objective: We are currently training a generation of students who cannot remember the days before Internet, are learning in digital environment, will practice in a predominantly e-health world. We think they are ready to learn online, but are they? The aim of this study was to determine the students’ readiness for e-learning in terms of the technologies they have with the skills for online learning. Methods: This is a descriptive study with survey method by using a scale of university students’ readiness for e-learning. The research was done with volunteer 4th-year medical students. Results: The results show that e-learning readiness for medical students is enough for five sub-scales, and almost enough for one sub-scale. The medical undergraduates have smartphones(92.3%), laptops(81.6%) and tablets(26.7%) only 0.9% of the undergraduates have no hardware. The participants have regular internet connection(92.1%) and mobile internet connection(80.89%). Male undergraduates’ readiness is significantly higher than females. The undergraduates who use internet for studying and learning during the day or several times in a day have statistically higher readiness levels than others. Conclusion: Medical students’ e-learning readiness level is moderately high. They use Internet daily with own hardware. The organizational readiness is well in terms of resources, learning management systems.References
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