Loneliness, Hopelessness, Anxiety and Self Compassion of Medical Students: Gazi Example
Objective: Describing the preclinical medical students’ loneliness, state and trait anxiety and hopelessness levels and comparing them with self-compassion levels were the aims of this study.
Methods: On voluntary basis an anonymous questionnaire consisting of UCLA Loneliness Scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Beck Hopelessness Scale and Self Compassion Scale, as well as socio demographic questions, was administered to every one out of five preclinical-year students (n=935) at Gazi University School of Medicine.
Results: Approximately half of (54.2%) the students were female and the mean age of the sample was
19.4±1.1 years (range: 17-25 years). The 34.7 % of the sampled students were living with their family. Loneliness, trait anxiety and the hopelessness levels of the students who were not satisfied with their career selection were significantly higher than chance (p<0.05). While loneliness, state and trait anxiety and hopelessness scores were in a positive correlation with each other, self compassion was in a negative correlation with state anxiety.
Conclusion: Self compassion can be described as coping with the stressors at various stages of life. Therefore, medical profession should begin with fostering self-compassion before the compassion toward others.
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