Carpal Tunnel Release Experience with Minimal Wrist Incision
Objective: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common peripheral trap neuropathy resulting from compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel of the wrist. Open release of the transverse carpal ligament is now the most commonly used method. New techniques are being developed to avoid complications of standard long curvilinear incision. Methods: Between March 2010 and January 2016, carpal tunnel release was performed by the same surgeon with 110 minimally invasive techniques in 96 patients due to CTS. Complaints and physical examination findings were compatible with CTS and mid- to severe-severity CTS cases supported by EMG were included in the study. Results: Complaints and examination findings were recorded at the post-operative 1st year outpatient clinics of the patients. Of the110 carpal tunnel release, in 50 patients (%45,5) total, in 45 patients (%40.9) significant, in 13 patients (%11,8) slight improvement were recorded, while no improvement was recorded in 2 patients (%1,8). They stated that 88% of the patients were satisfied with the operation and 12% were not satisfied. Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was used to evaluate pain complaints. The mean VAS score was 7,5 pre-operatively and 3,2 at post-operatively 1 year follow-up. Conclusion: In patients with CTS, median nerve decompression with minimal wrist incision is an effective and reliable surgical procedure.References
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