A Survey to Assess the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Tinnitus Perception

Tinnitus and COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Handan Yaman a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:5:"M.Sc.";}


COVID-19, Perception, SARS-CoV-2, Survey, Tinnitus


Objective: With this study, it was aimed to evaluate the effect of COVID-19 on the perception of tinnitus in the population.

Methods: A web-based Google survey was performed between May and April 2020, and1895 volunteers answered questions which were mainly related to demographic data, daily lifestyle during pandemic and aural problems as well as presence of tinnitus. The participants who had tinnitus were further evaluated with visual analogue scale (VAS) and Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI).

Results: Of 1895 participants, 184 (%9,4) had tinnitus. Of 184 participants with tinnitus, 64.7% had a tinnitus onset before pandemic whereas 35.3% had a tinnitus onset after pandemic. There was no significant difference between the parameters of the participants who had no tinnitus, and who had a tinnitus onset before and after the pandemic (p>0.05). There was no significant difference between the THI results of the participants with a tinnitus onset before and after the pandemic (p>0.05). The VAS scores of the participants with a tinnitus onset after pandemic were higher than the participants with a tinnitus onset after pandemic (p<0.05). The participants who had a tinnitus onset before the pandemic described alterations in their tinnitus perception as increased, decreased and unchanged tinnitus perception in 28.8%, 13.4% and 57.8%, respectively.

Conclusion: As a result of this study, we observed that the COVID-19 pandemic does not lead to an increase in tinnitus and tinnitus-related problems. However, due to the life-threatening risks that come with the pandemic, people may not consider the effects of tinnitus as a primary problem.






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