Reporting the Presence of an Incision Similar to a Cardiac Notch in the Right Lung: A Case Report

Reporting the Presence of an Incision Similar to a Cardiac Notch in the Right Lung


  • Mehran Kamani Sirjan School of Medical Sciences, Sirjan, Iran
  • Ali Razavinasab Sirjan School of Medical Sciences, Sirjan, Iran
  • Seyed Hassan Eftekhar Vaghefi Anatomy Research Center, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
  • Abbas Mohammadi Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Afazalipour School of Medicine; Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Physiology Research Center, Kerman University of Medical Sciences; Sirjan School of Medical Sciences, Sirjan, Iran
  • Reza Sadeghi Sirjan School of Medical Sciences, Sirjan, Iran


Case report, presence of notch, lingula, variation of lungs, anterior and posterior borders


The lungs are the main organs of respiration, and their main function is ventilation. The lungs, through oxygenation, convert venous blood into arterial blood. On the outer surface of the right lung, there were two deep fissures, one called the oblique fissure and the other called the horizontal fissure, with respect to the horizontal plate, which partitioned it into three upper, middle, and lower lobes. The anterior side of the lungs is thin and sharp and is located inside the rib-interstitial pleural sinus. In the present case, during the dissection of the cadaver of a 57-year-old man, it was observed that the right lung, along with its posterior border, does not have the usual geometry in the lungs. The posterior border of the right lung had a heart incision similar to that of the anterior border of the left lung. The lingual process was also visible on the posterior border of the right lung. The left lung was normal. The presence of a heart incision is important in terms of anatomical variation along the posterior border of the right lung in terms of lung pathologies and the therapeutic pattern of lung segmental resection.


