Huge Rhinolith in a Moderate to Severe Persistent Allergic Rhinitis Patient: A Rare Presentation


  • V Sha Kri Eh Dam Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia


Rhinolith is a rare nasal foreign body formed by the progressive deposition of calcium and magnesium salts on the exogenous or endogenous nidus. Sinonasal inflammatory disorders like sinusitis and chronic vestibulitis are frequently identified endogenous cause. In contrast, rhinolith formation is rarely reported to be associated with allergic rhinitis, despite it is a common disease globally. Unilateral nasal obstruction and purulent nasal discharge are among the most common presentation. We present a case of huge rhinolith in a teenage girl with underlying moderate to severe persistent allergic rhinitis, presented with epistaxis and worsening nasal obstruction. It was successful removed in the clinic after application of topical anesthesia and decongestant. 




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