Effects of Non-Pharmacological Interventions on Serum Levels of S100B, NT3 and BDNF in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder


  • Hüseyin Tunca Gazi University Medical School Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Elvan Iseri
  • Süreyya Barun
  • Aybeniz Civan Kahve
  • Önder Aydemir
  • Yasemin Taş Torun
  • Banu Çaycı
  • Seher Yüksel
  • Sevim Esmedere


Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of non-pharmacological interventions (NPI) on the serum levels of S100B, NT3 and BDNF in patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Methods: All participants were evaluated by to two child and adolescent psychiatrist per DSM-5 criteria. We evaluated 43 cases with ASD and 26 inviduals as a healthy control group between the ages of 0-6 that presented to the outpatient clinic between March 2014 - May 2015.

Results: S100B level was found to be higher in ASD compared to Control group(C) and ASD+NPI.   There was no difference between C and ASD+NPI. NT3 was lower in ASD and C than ASD+NPI. Although BDNF was not different between groups, a significant positive correlation between NT3 and BDNF was found in ASD+NPI. 

Conclusion: NPI appears to reverse the increased level of S100B and produce alterations in BDNF and NT3 in ASD patients.






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