The Evaluation of Formaldehyde Exposure in the Anatomy Laboratories and the Preventive Measures
Objective: Our aim is to evaluate the studies about formaldehyde exposure in anatomy laboratories at faculties of medicine all over the world reported from 2000 to 2013.
Materials and Methods: In this research, formaldehyde exposure of medical students and researchers in the anatomy laboratories of faculties of medicine studies, which were reported in Pubmed database from 2000 to 2013, were reviewed and classified clinical symptoms, environmental monitoring and preventive measures.
Results: There are 27 studies on formaldehyde exposure from anatomy laboratories of various faculties of medicine 15 (55.6%) of which are clinical symptom studies whereas 12 (44.4%) are environmental monitoring of formaldehyde exposure.
Conclusion: Considering the fact that lower levels of exposure to formaldehyde is associated with cytogenetic changes in epithelial cells of the nasal region, long-term exposure to formaldehyde in the anatomy laboratories poses risks of nasopharynx and nasal cavity cancers. Medical students and instructors working in anatomy laboratories should take concrete measures to reduce exposure to formaldehyde
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