The effect of erythropoietin on lactate dehydrogenase levels during ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats


  • Constantinos Tsompos
  • Constantinos Panoulis
  • Konstantinos Toutouzas
  • George Zografos
  • Apostolos Papalois


Objective: Aim of this experimental study was to examine the effect of erythropoietin (Epo) on a rat model and particularly in tissues by an ischemia-reperfusion (IR) protocol. The beneficial effect or non-effectiveness of that molecule were studied biochemically using mean blood lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as a parameter of tissues’ injury.

Methods: Forty rats with a mean weight of 247.7 g were used in the study. LDH levels were measured 60 min (groups A and C) and 120 min (groups B and D) after reperfusion. Placebo drug was administered in sham operated group A and B, while Epo was administered in groups C and D. The predicted LDH values, adjusted for rats’ weight were calculated since there was a significant relation between rats’ weight and LDH levels (p= 0.0469).  

Results: Epo administration significantly increased the LDH levels by 778.3 IU/L [200.6627 IU/L - 1355.937 IU/L] (p= 0.0096). This finding was in accordance with the results of a paired t-test (p= 0.0004). Reperfusion time non-significantly decreased the LDH levels by 124.9 IU/L [-755.2258 IU/L - 505.4258 IU/L] (p= 0.6906), also in accordance with a paired t-test (p= 0.6354). Epo administration and reperfusion time together produced a significant combined effect of increasing LDH levels by 376.8 IU/L [16.55497 IU/L - 737.045 IU/L] (p= 0.0408).

Conclusion: Results of this study indicate that Epo administration alone or in interaction with reperfusion time, has increasing short – term effects on LDH levels. These increases are significant for the original LDH values and non-significant for predicted values. Considering the predicted values as more reliable, it is concluded that Epo administration declines the postischemically raised LDH levels effectively, suggesting a greater-than-expected restorating role of Epo in tissues.  

Yazar Biyografisi

Constantinos Tsompos



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