Music Therapy and Hormonal Responses in Autism


  • Elvan Iseri Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Gazi University Medical Faculty
  • Esra Guney Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Gazi University Medical Faculty
  • Rahmi Oruc Guvenc Music therapist, Tümata Musical Group, Ankara
  • Azize Andrea Guvenc Music therapist, Tümata Musical Group, Ankara
  • Mehmet Fatih Ceylan Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Yildirim Beyazit University Medical Faculty
  • Ersan Cırak Dentist, Tümata Musical Group
  • Banu Caycı Department of Biochemistry, Gazi University Medical Faculty
  • Burak Bahar Department of Biochemistry, Gazi University Medical Faculty
  • Sahnur Sener Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Gazi University Medical Faculty


Objective: Music therapy is used in the treatment of various psychiatric and physical disorders. This study aims to explore the efficiency of, and neurohormonal responses to, music therapy in children with autism.

Methods: The effect of music therapy sessions of five hours a month on the severity of autism, verbal and social communication, behavior, and neurohormonal responses were explored in 10 children and adolescents. Autism severity was assessed using the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS).

Results: The results of the study indicate that music therapy decreases hyperkinetic activity and stereotypical-repetitive behaviors while increasing mutual social interaction and verbal communication. In addition, the severity of autistic symptoms assessed by CARS significantly decreased following the therapy. When pre- and post-therapy hormone levels were compared, cortisol, ACTH, adrenaline, and noradrenaline levels were not significantly different.

Conclusion: Music therapy is a means of communication without words in children and adolescents with autism, and is an effective and important treatment option when accompanied by special educational support and individual psychotherapy in the treatment of autistic disorder.



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